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The Kids in the Shadows: stories from homeless youth
The unwanted. The abandoned. The warriors. This is the uncensored story of the kids we've let slip through our society's cracks. #video...
The Invisible Youth of America
A journey with 12 year old philanthropist Zach Bonner on his "March Across America" to end youth homelessness .
Influence: a short film about drinking and distractions
Right now, a teen is choosing to drive while under the influence. Her friends choose to sit idly by. The choice they’ve made will change...
Corralling Tourists in Mexico
There's trouble in paradise, but no one will ever know as long as the exchange rate is favorable. A poetic groove. #poeticgroove
The Valedictorian's Moment (short film)
On the eve of her high-school graduation, the valedictorian receives inspiration from a heavenly source. Starring Jacqueline Frenkel and...
A Crack in the Room Tone
Stories for a noisy world
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